Wednesday 20 November 2013

Animation Lecture

Shown abobve are some of the notes that I took during the animation lecture this morning. I found the lecture much more interesting than I had originally anticipated. We were given lots of information about the history of animation. We were shown the different forms that animation has taken over the years. We looked at primitive forms of animation such as the magic lantern and the Zoetrope along with a few others and then were told how animation has changed over the years. We looked at some of the animations that we were learning about and it was interesting to see the difference in quality between the animations. I really liked lots of the animations we were shown and the ones I have underlined I intend to sit down and watch in full length as I really liked the small clips that we saw of them. I think the one that I liked most was an animation from 1965 by Chuck Jones called 'The Dot and the Line: a Romance in Lower Mathematics. I have displayed the youtube video below.


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