What is the general theme?
Printmaking and traditional design processes.
What are the current/contextual/historical issues of the general theme?
- 'The death of print'
- Use of computers within design (Graphic Artist/ Graphic Designer)
- Increasing use of 'pastiche' in modern design.
What do I want to know or be able to do in regard to this theme? Form this into a question that implies a conclusion...
I want to explore how relevant the use of traditional print processes is in the modern day design industry and whether these can be incorporated into UX design and design for web.
I also want to look at how these processes are becoming more fashionable, for example sign painting.
How does this relate to my (increasingly specialist) practice?
Design for Print is an area which really interests me and I personally want to start exploring the use of some of these processes in my own work. I feel that this project will help me gain a better understanding of traditional processes and give me scope to experiment with them.
Is there value in the use of traditional print processes in an increasingly digitised world?
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